Aden yemen news

Aden is a major city in Yemen, and there are often news reports about the situation on the ground. Here are some recent news articles and updates about Aden and Yemen:

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Yemen's Aden airport reopens after 2-year closure" (Al Jazeera, March 2022) - The airport in Aden, Yemen's second-largest city, has reopened after a two-year closure due to fighting between government forces and Houthi rebels.
  2. "Aden's hospitals struggle to cope with wounded" (The New York Times, February 2022) - Hospitals in Aden are overwhelmed with wounded civilians and fighters, with many patients lacking access to basic medical care.
  3. "Yemen's Aden city struggles to recover from war" (BBC News, January 2022) - The city of Aden is struggling to recover from years of war, with many residents living in poverty and without access to basic services like electricity and water.

Conflict Updates:

  1. "Yemen's government forces retake key city from Houthis" (Reuters, March 2022) - Government forces have retaken the city of Taez from Houthi rebels, a significant gain in the conflict.
  2. "Houthis launch drone attack on Saudi airport" (Al Jazeera, February 2022) - The Houthi rebels launched a drone attack on Abha International Airport in Saudi Arabia, which is near the border with Yemen.
  3. "Yemen's government and Houthis agree to ceasefire" (The Guardian, January 2022) - The Yemeni government and Houthi rebels have agreed to a ceasefire, which has been welcomed by the international community.

Humanitarian Crisis:

  1. "Yemen's humanitarian crisis worsens as aid agencies struggle to reach affected areas" (The Independent, February 2022) - The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is worsening, with aid agencies struggling to reach affected areas due to fighting and logistical challenges.
  2. "UN warns of 'catastrophic' situation in Yemen" (Al Jazeera, January 2022) - The United Nations has warned of a "catastrophic" situation in Yemen, with millions of people at risk of famine and disease.
  3. "Yemen's children suffer from malnutrition and disease" (The New York Times, December 2021) - Children in Yemen are suffering from malnutrition and disease, with many lacking access to basic healthcare and nutrition.

These are just a few examples of the news and updates about Aden and Yemen. The situation on the ground is complex and constantly evolving, and it's important to stay informed about the latest developments.