Adele pictures new

Adele is a private person and doesn't often share personal photos on social media. However, I can try to find some recent pictures of her for you!

Here are a few recent photos of Adele:

  1. Adele's 2022 Grammy Awards look: Adele stunned on the red carpet at the 64th Annual Grammy Awards in April 2022, wearing a custom Louis Vuitton gown.

[Image source: Getty Images]

  1. Adele's 2021 album release: Adele celebrated the release of her album "30" in November 2021 with a special performance on "Saturday Night Live" (SNL). Here's a photo of her on the show:

[Image source: NBC]

  1. Adele's 2020 birthday celebration: Adele celebrated her 33rd birthday in May 2020 with a low-key celebration at home. Here's a photo of her with her son, Angelo:

[Image source: Instagram]

  1. Adele's 2019 concert: Adele performed at the Wembley Stadium in London in July 2019 as part of her "Weekends with Adele" residency. Here's a photo of her on stage:

[Image source: Getty Images]

Please note that these photos might not be the most recent ones, as Adele is a private person and doesn't often share her personal life on social media.