Adele new song i believe

Exciting news! Adele has indeed released a new song, and it's called "Easy on Me". The song was released on October 15, 2021, and it's the lead single from her upcoming fourth studio album.

"Easy on Me" is a powerful ballad that showcases Adele's signature soulful vocals and emotional songwriting. The song's lyrics are about the pain of divorce and the struggle to co-parent, with Adele singing about the need to "be easy on me" as she navigates this difficult time.

The song has been well-received by fans and critics alike, with many praising Adele's raw emotion and vulnerability in the lyrics. The song's music video, which features Adele singing in a car with her son, has also been viewed millions of times on YouTube.

Are you a fan of Adele? Have you listened to "Easy on Me" yet?