Adele new song 2019

Adele has not released a new song in 2019. Her last album, "25", was released in 2015 and she has been on a hiatus from music since then. However, she has been working on new music and has hinted that she may release a new album in the future.

In an interview with Vogue in 2019, Adele mentioned that she was working on new music, but did not provide a timeline for its release. She also stated that she was taking her time to make sure the music was right, saying "I'm not going to rush it. I'm going to take my time, and I'm going to make sure that it's the best it can be."

It's worth noting that Adele has been busy with other projects, including her role as a mother and her work as a producer on the TV show "Easy" on Netflix. She has also been involved in various charity work and has been vocal about social and political issues.

While there is no new music from Adele in 2019, fans are eagerly awaiting her next release.