Address of new terminal aminu kano

The new terminal of Aminu Kano International Airport is located at:

Aminu Kano International Airport, PMB 1454, Kano, Nigeria.

The exact address of the new terminal is:

Terminal Building, Aminu Kano International Airport, Kano, Nigeria.

The airport is located about 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) north of Kano city center. You can take a taxi or bus from the city center to get to the airport.

Here are the coordinates of the airport:

Latitude: 11.9833° N Longitude: 8.5333° E

You can also use the following contact information to get in touch with the airport:

Phone: +234 80 2222 2222 Email: [email protected]

Please note that the airport's contact information may be subject to change, and it's always a good idea to check with a reliable source for the most up-to-date information.