Address and name of street in new york city

Here are some examples of addresses and street names in New York City:

  1. Address: 555 5th Avenue, Street: 5th Avenue, Neighborhood: Midtown Manhattan
  2. Address: 123 West 42nd Street, Street: West 42nd Street, Neighborhood: Times Square
  3. Address: 456 Broadway, Street: Broadway, Neighborhood: SoHo
  4. Address: 789 3rd Avenue, Street: 3rd Avenue, Neighborhood: Upper East Side
  5. Address: 901 6th Avenue, Street: 6th Avenue, Neighborhood: Greenwich Village
  6. Address: 1111 1st Avenue, Street: 1st Avenue, Neighborhood: East Village
  7. Address: 222 2nd Avenue, Street: 2nd Avenue, Neighborhood: Gramercy Park
  8. Address: 333 7th Avenue, Street: 7th Avenue, Neighborhood: Hell's Kitchen
  9. Address: 444 Park Avenue, Street: Park Avenue, Neighborhood: Upper East Side
  10. Address: 555 Madison Avenue, Street: Madison Avenue, Neighborhood: Midtown Manhattan

Some popular streets in New York City include:

Some popular neighborhoods in New York City include: