Adding news plugin icon to wordpress

To add a news plugin icon to your WordPress website, you'll need to follow these steps:

Method 1: Using a plugin

  1. Install and activate a plugin like "WP News Manager" or "News Widget" from the WordPress plugin directory.
  2. Once activated, go to the plugin's settings page and look for an option to add a icon or logo.
  3. Upload your desired icon (e.g., a news logo or a simple icon like a newspaper) and set the dimensions to the recommended size (usually 16x16 pixels).
  4. Save the changes and the icon should appear in your WordPress dashboard.

Method 2: Using a custom icon

  1. Create a new icon or use an existing one that represents your news plugin (e.g., a newspaper, a news headline, etc.).
  2. Upload the icon to your WordPress website's media library by going to Media > Add New.
  3. Once uploaded, go to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity.
  4. Click on the "Site Icon" tab and select the icon you just uploaded.
  5. Save the changes and the icon should appear in your WordPress dashboard.

Method 3: Using a theme-specific solution

  1. Check your WordPress theme's documentation to see if it has a built-in option to add a news plugin icon.
  2. If your theme has a customizer, go to Appearance > Customize and look for a section related to the news plugin icon.
  3. Follow the theme's instructions to add the icon.

Additional tips