Adding new line to text property of a label box

In WPF, you can add a new line to the Text property of a Label control by using the \r\n or Environment.NewLine syntax.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Using \r\n:
    <Label Content="Line 1\r\nLine 2" />

    This will render as:

Line 1 Line 2

  1. Using Environment.NewLine:
    <Label Content="Line 1{Environment.NewLine}Line 2" />

    This will also render as:

Line 1 Line 2

  1. Using a TextBlock instead of a Label:
    <TextBlock Text="Line 1" TextWrapping="Wrap">
     <Run Text="Line 2" />

    This will also render as:

Line 1 Line 2

Note that the TextWrapping property is set to Wrap to allow the text to wrap to a new line.

  1. Using a StringBuilder to build the text:
    string text = "Line 1";
    text += Environment.NewLine;
    text += "Line 2";

Label myLabel = new Label(); myLabel.Content = text;

This will also render as:

Line 1
Line 2