Adding new line in xml strings

In XML, you can add a new line using the following methods:

  1. Using the & character: You can use the & character followed by the # symbol and the ASCII code for a newline character (10 for a Unix-style newline or 13 for a Windows-style newline). For example:


    This will render as a newline character in the resulting XML document.

  2. Using the &#x notation: You can use the &#x notation followed by the hexadecimal code for a newline character (0A for a Unix-style newline or 0D for a Windows-style newline). For example:


    This will also render as a newline character in the resulting XML document.

  3. Using a CDATA section: You can wrap your XML content in a CDATA section, which allows you to include special characters like newline characters without having to escape them. For example:

    This is a new line

    This will render as a single line of text with a newline character in the resulting XML document.

  4. Using a text node with a newline character: You can create a text node with a newline character using the text() function. For example:

    <text>This is a new line</text>

    This will render as a single line of text with a newline character in the resulting XML document.

Note that when working with XML, it's generally a good idea to use a consistent newline character throughout your document, and to avoid using newline characters in attribute values or element names.