Adding new item to list c

In C, you can add a new item to a list (which is typically implemented as an array) by using the following methods:

  1. Dynamic Memory Allocation: You can use the malloc function to allocate a new block of memory, and then assign the new item to that memory location. Here's an example:
    #include <stdlib.h>

int main() { int list = malloc(sizeof(int) 5); // allocate memory for 5 integers list[0] = 1; list[1] = 2; list[2] = 3; list[3] = 4; list[4] = 5;

// add a new item to the list
int* new_item = malloc(sizeof(int));
*new_item = 6;
list = realloc(list, sizeof(int) * 6); // reallocate memory to accommodate the new item
list[5] = *new_item;
free(new_item); // free the memory allocated for the new item

// print the updated list
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    printf("%d ", list[i]);

free(list); // free the memory allocated for the list
return 0;


2. **Using a Linked List**: You can use a linked list data structure, where each node contains a value and a pointer to the next node. You can add a new item to the list by creating a new node and linking it to the existing nodes. Here's an example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Node {
    int value;
    struct Node* next;
} Node;

Node* create_node(int value) {
    Node* node = malloc(sizeof(Node));
    node->value = value;
    node->next = NULL;
    return node;

void add_item(Node** head, int value) {
    Node* new_node = create_node(value);
    if (*head == NULL) {
        *head = new_node;
    } else {
        Node* current = *head;
        while (current->next!= NULL) {
            current = current->next;
        current->next = new_node;

void print_list(Node* head) {
    while (head!= NULL) {
        printf("%d ", head->value);
        head = head->next;

int main() {
    Node* head = NULL;

    // add items to the list
    add_item(&head, 1);
    add_item(&head, 2);
    add_item(&head, 3);
    add_item(&head, 4);
    add_item(&head, 5);
    add_item(&head, 6);

    // print the updated list

    return 0;

Note that in the linked list example, we use a pointer to a pointer (Node** head) to represent the head of the list, and we use the add_item function to add new items to the list.