Adding new item to a recycler view in c

A RecyclerView in C#!

To add a new item to a RecyclerView in C#, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Get a reference to the RecyclerView: First, get a reference to the RecyclerView instance in your C# code. You can do this by using the FindViewById method, like this:

    RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(;

    Assuming you have a RecyclerView with the ID my_recycler_view in your layout file.

  2. Create a new item: Create a new instance of the item you want to add to the RecyclerView. This could be a custom class, a simple string, or any other type of data you want to display.

For example, let's say you have a custom class MyItem:

MyItem newItem = new MyItem { Name = "New Item", Description = "This is a new item" };
  1. Create a new adapter item: Create a new instance of the adapter item that represents the new item. This is usually done by calling the Adapter.AddItem method or a similar method that adds a new item to the adapter's internal list.

For example, let's say you have a MyAdapter class that extends RecyclerView.Adapter:

MyAdapter adapter = (MyAdapter)recyclerView.Adapter;
  1. Notify the RecyclerView: After adding the new item to the adapter, you need to notify the RecyclerView that the data has changed. You can do this by calling the Adapter.NotifyItemInserted method:

    adapter.NotifyItemInserted(adapter.ItemCount - 1);

    This tells the RecyclerView to update the UI to reflect the new item.

  2. Call RecyclerView.Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(): Finally, call the Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() method to tell the RecyclerView to update the UI:


    This will trigger the RecyclerView to rebind the data and display the new item.

Here's the complete code:

RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(;
MyAdapter adapter = (MyAdapter)recyclerView.Adapter;
MyItem newItem = new MyItem { Name = "New Item", Description = "This is a new item" };
adapter.NotifyItemInserted(adapter.ItemCount - 1);

That's it! Your new item should now be displayed in the RecyclerView.