Adding new column to table sql

To add a new column to a table in SQL, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement. The basic syntax is:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN new_column_name data_type;


For example:

ALTER TABLE customers

This would add a new column named email with a data type of VARCHAR(255) to the customers table.

You can also specify additional options, such as:

For example:

ALTER TABLE customers
ADD COLUMN email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '[email protected]' NOT NULL;

This would add a new column named email with a default value of '[email protected]' and not allow null values.

Note that you can only add a new column to the end of the table. If you want to add a new column in a specific position, you can use the ADD COLUMN statement with the AFTER or BEFORE keyword.

For example:

ALTER TABLE customers
ADD COLUMN new_column INT AFTER existing_column;

This would add a new column named new_column with a data type of INT after the existing_column in the customers table.

Also, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement with the ADD COLUMN statement to add multiple columns at once.

ALTER TABLE customers
       phone VARCHAR(20);

This would add two new columns, email and phone, to the customers table.

It's important to note that the ALTER TABLE statement can be used to modify the structure of a table, but it can also be used to modify the data in the table. For example, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement to update the data type of a column or to add a new index to a table.