Adding a new version of app to app store connect

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a new version of your app to App Store Connect:


  1. You have an existing app listed in App Store Connect.
  2. You have a new version of your app ready to be uploaded.

Step 1: Log in to App Store Connect

  1. Go to and log in with your Apple ID and password.
  2. Click on the "My Apps" tab and select the app you want to update.

Step 2: Create a new version

  1. Click on the "Versions" tab and then click on the "Create a New Version" button.
  2. Fill in the required information:
    • Version number: Enter a new version number for your app (e.g., 1.2.3).
    • Release notes: Enter a brief summary of the changes made in this new version.
    • Build: Enter the build number for this new version (e.g., 123456).
  3. Click "Create" to create the new version.

Step 3: Upload the new version

  1. Click on the "Upload" button next to the new version you just created.
  2. Select the new version of your app (e.g., an.ipa file for iOS apps or a.apk file for Android apps).
  3. Wait for the upload to complete. This may take a few minutes.

Step 4: Review and validate the new version

  1. Once the upload is complete, click on the "Review" tab for the new version.
  2. Review the version information and release notes to ensure everything is accurate.
  3. Click "Validate" to validate the new version.

Step 5: Submit the new version for review

  1. Click on the "Submit for Review" button to submit the new version for review by Apple.
  2. Wait for Apple to review your app. This may take several days or weeks, depending on the complexity of your app and the volume of apps being reviewed.

Step 6: Release the new version

  1. Once your app has been approved, you'll receive an email notification.
  2. Log in to App Store Connect and click on the "Versions" tab.
  3. Find the new version and click on the "Release" button.
  4. Set the release date and time for your app, if desired.
  5. Click "Release" to make the new version live.

That's it! Your new version of the app should now be available in the App Store.