Adding a new friend to us is not cool quotes

Here are some quotes about adding a new friend to a group that might not be cool:

  1. "New friend, new drama, new problems."
  2. "I don't want to have to babysit someone new. Can't they just figure it out themselves?"
  3. "Why do we need another person to deal with? Can't we just stick to our own crew?"
  4. "I'm not sure I want to invest time and energy into someone new. What if they don't work out?"
  5. "New friends are just a recipe for disaster. Mark my words."
  6. "I'm happy for you, but I'm not sure I want to be a part of this new dynamic. It's just too much change."
  7. "Why can't we just stick to what we know and love? Do we really need to shake things up with a new friend?"
  8. "I'm not sure I trust this new person. What if they're just using us for their own gain?"
  9. "I don't want to have to adjust my social calendar to accommodate someone new. Can't they just fit in with what we're already doing?"
  10. "New friends are just a distraction. We should focus on our own relationships and not worry about adding someone new to the mix."

Keep in mind that these quotes are not necessarily cool or positive, and it's generally better to be open-minded and welcoming to new friends!