Adding a new domain to your hostgator hosting plan

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a new domain to your HostGator hosting plan:


  1. You have a HostGator hosting plan with a valid account.
  2. You have already set up your primary domain (also known as the "main domain" or "default domain") on your HostGator account.

Adding a new domain:

  1. Log in to your HostGator account: Go to the HostGator website and log in to your account using your username and password.
  2. Click on the "Domains" tab: In the top navigation menu, click on the "Domains" tab.
  3. Click on "Add a Domain": In the "Domains" tab, click on the "Add a Domain" button.
  4. Enter the new domain name: Enter the new domain name you want to add in the "Domain Name" field. Make sure to enter the domain name exactly as you want it to appear (e.g., without the "www." prefix).
  5. Select the domain type: Choose the type of domain you want to add:
    • Registered Domain: If you've already registered the domain with a registrar (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc.).
    • Unregistered Domain: If you want to register the domain with HostGator.
  6. Enter the domain registration information: If you're registering a new domain, enter the required registration information, including:
    • Domain name
    • Contact information (name, email, phone number, etc.)
    • Payment information (credit card or PayPal)
  7. Choose the hosting plan: Select the hosting plan you want to use for the new domain. You can choose from the same hosting plans available for your primary domain.
  8. Set up DNS settings: HostGator will automatically set up the DNS settings for your new domain. You can also manually configure the DNS settings if you need to.
  9. Verify the domain: HostGator will send an email to the domain administrator (you) to verify the domain ownership. Follow the instructions in the email to verify the domain.
  10. Set up the website: Once the domain is verified, you can set up the website for the new domain by uploading files to the public_html directory or using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress.

Tips and considerations: