Adding a new blogger widget pane in layout

To add a new blogger widget pane in your blog's layout, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Using the Blogger Layout Editor

  1. Log in to your Blogger account and go to your blog's dashboard.
  2. Click on the "Theme" button and select "Customize" from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the Blogger Layout Editor, click on the "Add a gadget" button.
  4. Select "HTML/JavaScript" from the list of available gadgets.
  5. In the "Content" field, enter the following code:
    <div id="new-widget-pane">
    <!-- Your widget code goes here -->
  6. Replace <!-- Your widget code goes here --> with the code for your widget (e.g. a text widget, a image widget, etc.).
  7. Click "Save" to save the changes.
  8. Go back to the Blogger Layout Editor and drag the new widget pane to the desired location in your blog's layout.

Method 2: Using the Blogger Template Editor

  1. Log in to your Blogger account and go to your blog's dashboard.
  2. Click on the "Theme" button and select "Edit HTML" from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the Blogger Template Editor, click on the "Add a widget" button.
  4. Select "HTML/JavaScript" from the list of available widgets.
  5. In the "Content" field, enter the following code:
    <div id="new-widget-pane">
    <!-- Your widget code goes here -->
  6. Replace <!-- Your widget code goes here --> with the code for your widget (e.g. a text widget, a image widget, etc.).
  7. Click "Save" to save the changes.
  8. Go back to the Blogger Template Editor and drag the new widget pane to the desired location in your blog's layout.

Tips and Variations