Add tracking codes every time there is a new page

To add tracking codes every time there is a new page, you can use a programming language like JavaScript to dynamically inject the tracking code into the HTML of each page.

Here's an example of how you can do this using JavaScript:

// Get the current page URL
var currentPageUrl = window.location.href;

// Add the tracking code to the page
function addTrackingCode() {
  // Replace "YOUR_TRACKING_CODE_HERE" with your actual tracking code
  var trackingCode = '<script>YOUR_TRACKING_CODE_HERE</script>';
  document.body.innerHTML += trackingCode;

// Call the function every time the page changes
window.addEventListener('pageshow', addTrackingCode);

This code uses the window.location.href property to get the current page URL, and then uses the addTrackingCode function to add the tracking code to the page. The addTrackingCode function uses the document.body.innerHTML property to add the tracking code to the page.

You can also use a library like jQuery to make the code more concise:

// Get the current page URL
var currentPageUrl = window.location.href;

// Add the tracking code to the page
function addTrackingCode() {
  // Replace "YOUR_TRACKING_CODE_HERE" with your actual tracking code
  var trackingCode = '<script>YOUR_TRACKING_CODE_HERE</script>';

// Call the function every time the page changes
$(window).on('pageshow', addTrackingCode);

You can also use a plugin like page.js which is a lightweight JavaScript library that allows you to track page views and add tracking codes to each page.

// Initialize page.js

// Add the tracking code to the page
page.on('pageChange', function() {
  // Replace "YOUR_TRACKING_CODE_HERE" with your actual tracking code
  var trackingCode = '<script>YOUR_TRACKING_CODE_HERE</script>';

Please note that you should replace YOUR_TRACKING_CODE_HERE with your actual tracking code.

Also, you can use a server-side language like PHP to add the tracking code to each page, by including a PHP file that contains the tracking code in the HTML header of each page.

  // Replace "YOUR_TRACKING_CODE_HERE" with your actual tracking code
  $trackingCode = '<script>YOUR_TRACKING_CODE_HERE</script>';
  echo '<head>';
  echo $trackingCode;
  echo '</head>';

Please keep in mind that this is just an example, and you should adjust the code to fit your specific use case.