Add new textbox dynamically c

Here is an example of how to add a new TextBox dynamically in C#:

Using ASP.NET Web Forms

You can use the Controls.Add() method to add a new TextBox control to a Web Form:

TextBox newTextBox = new TextBox();
newTextBox.ID = "newTextBox" + (TextBoxes.Count + 1).ToString();
newTextBox.Text = "";

In this example, TextBoxes is a collection of TextBox controls that you have defined in your code-behind file.


You can use the Html.BeginForm() method to add a new TextBox control to an MVC view:

@using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.TextBox("newTextBox", "", new { @class = "form-control" })

In this example, the @Html.TextBox() method is used to generate the HTML for the new TextBox control.

Using Windows Forms

You can use the Controls.Add() method to add a new TextBox control to a Windows Form:

TextBox newTextBox = new TextBox();
newTextBox.Name = "newTextBox" + (TextBoxes.Count + 1).ToString();
newTextBox.Text = "";

In this example, TextBoxes is a collection of TextBox controls that you have defined in your code-behind file.

Using WPF

You can use the Grid.Children.Add() method to add a new TextBox control to a WPF Grid:

TextBox newTextBox = new TextBox();
newTextBox.Name = "newTextBox" + (TextBoxes.Count + 1).ToString();
newTextBox.Text = "";

In this example, grid is a WPF Grid control that you have defined in your XAML file.

Note that in all cases, you will need to adjust the code to fit your specific requirements and the structure of your application.