Add new template to use existing css in cakephp

To add a new template to use an existing CSS file in CakePHP, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new template file: Create a new file in the templates directory of your CakePHP application, e.g., mytemplate.ctp.

  2. Add the CSS file: In the mytemplate.ctp file, add a <link> tag to link to the existing CSS file. For example:

    echo $this->Html->css('mycss'); // assuming mycss.css is in webroot/css

    This will link to the mycss.css file located in the webroot/css directory.

  3. Update the layout: If you want to use the new template as the default layout for your application, you'll need to update the Layout class. Open the Layout.php file in the app/View/Layouts directory and update the template property to point to your new template file:

    class Layout extends CakeLayout {
     public $template = 'mytemplate';
  4. Update the controller: In your controller, you can specify which template to use by setting the layout property. For example:

    class MyController extends AppController {
     public function index() {
         $this->layout = 'mytemplate';
         // your code here
  5. Verify the changes: After making these changes, verify that the new template is being used by visiting the URL for your controller action. You should see the new template with the styles from the mycss.css file applied.
