Add new site to adsense

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a new site to AdSense:


  1. You already have a Google AdSense account.
  2. Your AdSense account is approved and active.
  3. You have a new website or blog that you want to monetize with AdSense.

Step 1: Sign in to your AdSense account

  1. Go to the Google AdSense website and sign in to your account using your email address and password.
  2. Click on the "Sign in" button to access your account dashboard.

Step 2: Create a new site

  1. Click on the "Sites" tab on the top navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "New site" button.
  3. Enter the URL of your new website or blog in the "Site URL" field.
  4. Enter a name for your site in the "Site name" field.
  5. Choose the language and content type for your site.
  6. Click on the "Add site" button.

Step 3: Verify your site

  1. Google will ask you to verify your site ownership. You can do this by:
    • Adding a meta tag to your site's HTML header.
    • Uploading an HTML file to your site's root directory.
    • Using a DNS record.
    • Using a URL prefix.
  2. Choose the verification method that works best for you and follow the instructions.

Step 4: Set up AdSense on your site

  1. Once your site is verified, you can set up AdSense on your site.
  2. Click on the "AdSense" tab on the top navigation menu.
  3. Click on the "Ad units" tab.
  4. Create a new ad unit by clicking on the "New ad unit" button.
  5. Choose the ad format, size, and placement on your site.
  6. Copy the ad code and paste it into your site's HTML code.

Step 5: Monitor your site's performance

  1. Once you've set up AdSense on your site, you can monitor its performance by:
    • Viewing your site's earnings and impressions in the AdSense dashboard.
    • Tracking your site's click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate.
    • Adjusting your ad settings and placements to optimize your site's performance.

That's it! By following these steps, you should be able to add a new site to your AdSense account and start monetizing your website or blog.