Add new role to wordpress

To add a new role to WordPress, you can use the add_role function, which is part of the WordPress API. Here's an example of how to do it:

function add_new_role() {
    $role_name = 'new_role'; // Replace with the name of the new role
    $role_description = 'New role description'; // Replace with a description of the new role
    $capabilities = array(
        'read' => true,
        'edit_posts' => true,
        'publish_posts' => true,
        'delete_posts' => true,
        // Add or modify capabilities as needed
    add_role($role_name, $role_description, $capabilities);
add_action('admin_init', 'add_new_role');

This code adds a new role called "new_role" with the specified description and capabilities. The add_role function takes three arguments:

  1. $role_name: The name of the new role.
  2. $role_description: A description of the new role.
  3. $capabilities: An array of capabilities that the new role should have. Each capability is a string that corresponds to a capability in WordPress (e.g. "read", "edit_posts", etc.).

You can add or modify capabilities as needed. For example, you might want to add a capability to edit pages, or to manage plugins.

Once you've added the new role, you can assign it to users using the wp_set_role function:

$user_id = 1; // Replace with the ID of the user you want to assign the role to
wp_set_role($user_id, 'new_role');

This code assigns the "new_role" role to the user with ID 1.

Note that you can also use the add_cap function to add a capability to an existing role, or to remove a capability from a role. For example:

add_cap('new_role', 'edit_pages');

This code adds the "edit_pages" capability to the "new_role" role.