Add new order button status magento

To add a new order button with a specific status in Magento, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new button

In the Magento admin panel, go to System > Configuration > Sales > Orders > Order Options. Click on the Add New Button button.

Step 2: Configure the button

In the Add New Button form, enter the following information:

Step 3: Add the button to the order view page

In the Magento admin panel, go to System > Configuration > Sales > Orders > Order View. Click on the Add Button button.

Step 4: Configure the button position

In the Add Button form, select the position where you want to display the button (e.g. Order Actions).

Step 5: Save the changes

Save the changes to the configuration.

Step 6: Test the button

Go to the order view page and click on the new button. The order should be created with the specified status.

Here is an example of how the button code might look:

$button = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/widget_button');
$button->addAttribute('id', 'new_order');
$button->setLabel('New Order');
echo $button->toHtml();

This code creates a new button with the label "New Order" and sets the URL to the sales/order/new action. When the button is clicked, it submits the form and creates a new order with the specified status.

Note: You may need to modify the button code to fit your specific requirements.