Add new line spacing html

To add new line spacing in HTML, you can use the <br> tag, which stands for "break" and is used to insert a line break in the text.

Here is an example:

This is the first line of text.<br>
This is the second line of text.

This will render as:

This is the first line of text. This is the second line of text.

You can also use the <p> tag to add a paragraph break, which will insert a line break and also add some default styling to the text.

This is the first paragraph of text.<p>
This is the second paragraph of text.

This will render as:

This is the first paragraph of text.

This is the second paragraph of text.

If you want to add more control over the line spacing, you can use CSS to add padding or margin to the elements. For example:

<p style="padding-bottom: 20px;">This is the first paragraph of text.</p>
<p style="padding-top: 20px;">This is the second paragraph of text.</p>

This will render as:

This is the first paragraph of text.

This is the second paragraph of text.

You can also use the line-height property in CSS to control the line spacing. For example:

<p style="line-height: 1.5;">This is the first paragraph of text.</p>
<p style="line-height: 2;">This is the second paragraph of text.</p>

This will render as:

This is the first paragraph of text.

This is the second paragraph of text.

Note that the line-height property sets the height of the line in terms of the font size, so a value of 1.5 means that the line will be 1.5 times the height of the font.