Add new line js

Here are a few ways to add a new line in JavaScript:

  1. Using the \n character:

    var myString = "Hello\nWorld!";

    This will add a new line character (\n) to the end of the string.

  2. Using the + operator:

    var myString = "Hello" + "\n" + "World!";

    This will concatenate the strings with a new line character in between.

  3. Using the String.prototype.concat() method:

    var myString = "Hello";
    myString = myString.concat("\n", "World!");

    This will concatenate the strings with a new line character in between.

  4. Using the String.prototype.replace() method:

    var myString = "Hello";
    myString = myString.replace(/\n/g, "\r\n");

    This will replace all occurrences of the new line character (\n) with a carriage return and line feed (\r\n).

  5. Using the String.prototype.split() method:

    var myString = "Hello\nWorld!";
    var lines = myString.split("\n");

    This will split the string into an array of lines, using the new line character as the separator.

Note that the \n character is used to represent a new line in most operating systems, but it may not work as expected in all cases. For example, in Windows, you may need to use \r\n to represent a new line.