Add new line in javascript

In JavaScript, you can add a new line in several ways:

  1. Using the \n character:

    var myString = "Hello\nWorld!";

    This will add a new line character (\n) to the string, which will be rendered as a new line in most browsers and text editors.

  2. Using the document.write() method:


    This will add a new line to the HTML document using the <br> tag, which is a common way to add a line break in HTML.

  3. Using the innerHTML property:

    var myDiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
    myDiv.innerHTML = "Hello<br>World!";

    This will add a new line to an HTML element (in this case, a div element) using the innerHTML property.

  4. Using the createElement() method:

    var myP = document.createElement("p");
    myP.textContent = "Hello";
    myP.innerHTML += "<br>World!";

    This will create a new paragraph element (<p>) and add a new line to it using the innerHTML property.

  5. Using the console.log() method:


    This will add a new line to the console output, which is useful for debugging purposes.

Note that the \n character is not a literal newline character, but rather an escape sequence that represents a newline character. In most cases, you can use \n to add a new line in JavaScript.