Add new google sershc in chrome serch engien

To add a new Google search engine in Chrome, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Using the Chrome Settings

  1. Open Google Chrome and click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser window.
  2. Click on "Settings" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Scroll down to the "Search" section.
  4. Click on "Manage search engines" under the "Search" section.
  5. Click on "Add new search engine" at the bottom of the page.
  6. Enter the following information:
    • Name: Enter a name for your new search engine (e.g., "Google Advanced Search").
    • Keyword: Enter a keyword that will trigger the search engine (e.g., "gsa").
    • URL: Enter the URL of the search engine (e.g.,
  7. Click "Add" to add the new search engine.

Method 2: Using a Chrome Extension

  1. Open Google Chrome and go to the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Search for "Search Engine Switcher" or "Multi Search Engine" and install the extension.
  3. Once installed, click on the extension icon in the upper right corner of the browser window.
  4. Click on "Add new search engine" and enter the following information:
    • Name: Enter a name for your new search engine (e.g., "Google Advanced Search").
    • Keyword: Enter a keyword that will trigger the search engine (e.g., "gsa").
    • URL: Enter the URL of the search engine (e.g.,
  5. Click "Add" to add the new search engine.

Using the new search engine

Once you've added the new search engine, you can use it by typing the keyword (e.g., "gsa") followed by your search query in the address bar. For example, if you've added a search engine called "Google Advanced Search" with the keyword "gsa", you can type "gsa advanced search" in the address bar to use the new search engine.

Note: You can also use the "Search engine" dropdown menu in the address bar to switch between different search engines.