Add new git label

To add a new label to a Git repository, you can use the following command:

git label <label_name> <commit_hash>

Replace <label_name> with the name you want to give to the label, and <commit_hash> with the hash of the commit you want to associate with the label.

For example, to add a label called "feature/new-login-system" to the commit with hash "abc123", you would run:

git label feature/new-login-system abc123

This will create a new label with the specified name and associate it with the specified commit.

You can also use the -m option to add a message to the label:

git label -m "Added new login system" feature/new-login-system abc123

This will add a message to the label, which can be useful for describing the purpose of the label.

You can also use the git label command to list all the labels in your repository:

git label --list

This will show you a list of all the labels in your repository, along with the commit hashes they are associated with.

You can also use the git label command to delete a label:

git label -d feature/new-login-system

This will delete the label "feature/new-login-system" from your repository.

Note: Git labels are only available in Git 2.19 and later versions. If you are using an earlier version of Git, you will not be able to use labels.