Add new email for owner magento deale inquiry

Here are the steps to add a new email address for owner Magento to receive deal inquiry emails:

Step 1: Log in to your Magento admin panel

Go to your Magento store's admin panel by typing (replace with your actual store URL) and logging in with your admin credentials.

Step 2: Go to Stores > Configuration

In the admin panel, navigate to Stores > Configuration.

Step 3: Click on Sales

In the Configuration page, click on Sales in the left-hand menu.

Step 4: Click on Deals

In the Sales section, click on Deals.

Step 5: Add a new email address

In the Deals section, scroll down to the Email Options section. Click on the Add New Email button.

Step 6: Enter the email address details

In the Add New Email form, enter the following details:

Step 7: Save the changes

Click Save to save the new email address.

Step 8: Verify the email address

Go to your email client and verify that the new email address has been added and is working correctly.

That's it! Your Magento store should now receive deal inquiry emails at the new email address you added.