Add new column in

In VB.NET, you can add a new column to a DataTable or a DataGridView programmatically. Here are the steps:

Adding a new column to a DataTable:

  1. Create a new DataTable instance or use an existing one.
  2. Use the Columns.Add() method to add a new column to the DataTable.


Dim dt As New DataTable()
dt.Columns.Add("NewColumn", GetType(String))

This will add a new column named "NewColumn" with a data type of String.

Adding a new column to a DataGridView:

  1. Create a new DataGridView instance or use an existing one.
  2. Use the Columns.Add() method to add a new column to the DataGridView.


Dim dgv As New DataGridView()
dgv.Columns.Add("NewColumn", "New Column")

This will add a new column named "New Column" to the DataGridView.

Properties of a new column:

You can set various properties of the new column, such as:


dt.Columns.Add("NewColumn", GetType(String)).HeaderText = "New Column"
dgv.Columns.Add("NewColumn", "New Column").Width = 100

These are just basic examples. You can customize the new column further by setting other properties or using events to handle column-related actions.