Add new column in services matrix theme wordpress

To add a new column in the Services Matrix theme in WordPress, you'll need to use a combination of PHP and HTML code. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this:

Method 1: Using the services-matrix plugin

If you're using the Services Matrix plugin, you can add a new column by modifying the services-matrix.php file. Here's how:

  1. Open the services-matrix.php file in a code editor (e.g., Notepad++).
  2. Find the columns array in the file, which defines the existing columns.
  3. Add a new element to the columns array with the desired column name and data type (e.g., text, number, etc.).
  4. Update the columns array and save the file.


$columns = array(
    'name' => array(
        'title' => __('Name', 'services-matrix'),
        'type' => 'text',
    'description' => array(
        'title' => __('Description', 'services-matrix'),
        'type' => 'text',
    // Add a new column
    'new_column' => array(
        'title' => __('New Column', 'services-matrix'),
        'type' => 'text',

Method 2: Using a custom PHP code

If you're not using the Services Matrix plugin or want more control over the column addition, you can use a custom PHP code. Here's how:

  1. Create a new PHP file (e.g., custom-column.php) in the wp-content/themes/your-theme/functions directory.

  2. Add the following code to the file:

    function add_new_column_to_services_matrix() {
     // Get the existing columns
     $columns = get_option('services_matrix_columns');
     // Add a new column
     $columns[] = array(
         'title' => __('New Column', 'your-theme'),
         'type' => 'text',
     // Update the options
     update_option('services_matrix_columns', $columns);
    add_action('services_matrix_after_init', 'add_new_column_to_services_matrix');
  3. Update the your-theme part with your theme's name.

Method 3: Using a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields

If you're not comfortable with coding, you can use a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to add a new column to the Services Matrix theme. Here's how:

  1. Install and activate the ACF plugin.

  2. Create a new field group in the ACF settings (e.g., Services Matrix Columns).

  3. Add a new field to the group (e.g., New Column) with the desired data type (e.g., text).

  4. Save the field group.

  5. In your theme's functions.php file, add the following code:

    function add_new_column_to_services_matrix() {
     // Get the ACF field group
     $field_group = acf_get_field_group('Services Matrix Columns');
     // Get the new column field
     $new_column_field = acf_get_field('New Column', $field_group);
     // Add the new column to the Services Matrix columns
     $columns = get_option('services_matrix_columns');
     $columns[] = array(
         'title' => $new_column_field['label'],
         'type' => $new_column_field['type'],
     // Update the options
     update_option('services_matrix_columns', $columns);
    add_action('services_matrix_after_init', 'add_new_column_to_services_matrix');

    After adding the new column, you'll need to update the Services Matrix theme to reflect the changes. You can do this by going to the Services Matrix settings page and clicking the "Update" button.

Remember to test your code and theme settings to ensure the new column is displayed correctly.