Add new button for plugin not showing in wordpress

A common issue!

When a plugin's button is not showing up in the WordPress admin dashboard, it's often due to a few common reasons:

  1. Plugin not activated: Make sure the plugin is activated in the WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Button not registered: Check if the plugin has registered the button correctly.
  3. Button not enqueued: Ensure that the plugin has enqueued the necessary JavaScript files for the button to work.
  4. Conflict with other plugins: Sometimes, plugins can conflict with each other, causing issues with button visibility.

To troubleshoot and add a new button for a plugin, follow these steps:

Step 1: Check the plugin's code

Open the plugin's PHP file (usually plugin-name.php) and look for the code that registers the button. It should be something like:

function plugin_name_admin_init() {
    add_action('admin_menu', 'plugin_name_add_button');

function plugin_name_add_button() {
    add_menu_page('Plugin Name', 'Plugin Name', 'manage_options', 'plugin-name', 'plugin_name_button_callback');

function plugin_name_button_callback() {
    // Button callback function

Step 2: Verify button registration

Check if the button is registered correctly by looking for the add_menu_page or add_submenu_page function. If it's not registered, you'll need to add it.

Step 3: Check JavaScript enqueuing

Make sure the plugin has enqueued the necessary JavaScript files for the button to work. Look for code like:

function plugin_name_enqueue_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_script('plugin-name-script', plugins_url('js/plugin-name.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'));

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'plugin_name_enqueue_scripts');

Step 4: Check for conflicts

If you've checked the above steps and the button still doesn't show up, try deactivating other plugins to see if there's a conflict.

Step 5: Add a new button (if necessary)

If the plugin doesn't have a button registered, you can add a new one using the add_menu_page or add_submenu_page function. For example:

function plugin_name_add_button() {
    add_menu_page('New Button', 'New Button', 'manage_options', 'new-button', 'plugin_name_new_button_callback');

function plugin_name_new_button_callback() {
    // Button callback function

Step 6: Verify button visibility

After adding the new button, go to the WordPress admin dashboard and check if the button is visible. If it's still not showing up, try refreshing the page or checking the browser's console for any errors.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, you may want to try debugging the plugin's code or seeking help from the plugin's author or a WordPress developer.