Add leter to end of new line in excel

A simple but useful question!

To add a letter to the end of each new line in Excel, you can use the TEXTJOIN function or a combination of other functions. Here are a few methods:

Method 1: Using TEXTJOIN

Assuming your text is in column A, starting from cell A1, and you want to add the letter "X" to the end of each line:

  1. Enter the following formula in a new column (e.g., column B): =TEXTJOIN("X",TRUE,A:A)
  2. Press Enter to apply the formula.
  3. The formula will concatenate each value in column A with the letter "X" at the end.

Method 2: Using CONCATENATE and ROW

  1. Enter the following formula in a new column (e.g., column B): =CONCATENATE(A1,"X")
  2. Press Enter to apply the formula.
  3. Copy the formula down to the other cells in the column.
  4. The formula will concatenate each value in column A with the letter "X" at the end.

Method 3: Using REPLACE

  1. Enter the following formula in a new column (e.g., column B): =REPLACE(A1,"","X")
  2. Press Enter to apply the formula.
  3. Copy the formula down to the other cells in the column.
  4. The formula will replace the newline character (") with the letter "X" at the end of each line.

Note: In all methods, make sure to adjust the column references (e.g., A:A, A1) to match your actual data range.