Add existing local repo to new online repo

To add an existing local repository to a new online repository, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new online repository

Step 2: Initialize your local repository

Step 3: Add your local repository to the online repository

For example, if your online repository is on GitHub, the command would be:

git remote add origin

If your online repository is on GitLab, the command would be:

git remote add origin

If your online repository is on Bitbucket, the command would be:

git remote add origin

Step 4: Push your local repository to the online repository

If you want to push a different branch, replace master with the name of the branch you want to push.

Step 5: Verify the connection

You should see the URL of your online repository listed as the origin remote.

That's it! Your existing local repository should now be connected to your new online repository.