Add a new sitemap

To add a new sitemap, you'll need to create a new XML file that contains the URLs of your website's pages, along with other metadata. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create a new sitemap:

Step 1: Choose a sitemap format

There are two main formats for sitemaps: XML and HTML. XML is the most common format, and it's recommended for most websites. HTML sitemaps are more suitable for smaller websites or those with a simple structure.

Step 2: Plan your sitemap structure

Before creating your sitemap, think about the structure of your website. Identify the main categories and subcategories of your website, and decide which pages you want to include in your sitemap.

Step 3: Create a new XML file

Create a new file with a .xml extension (e.g., sitemap.xml). This file will contain the sitemap data.

Step 4: Add the sitemap header

The first line of your sitemap file should be the XML declaration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Step 5: Add the sitemap namespace

Add the following line to specify the sitemap namespace:

<urlset xmlns="">

Step 6: Add the sitemap metadata

Add the following metadata to your sitemap:

    <loc></loc> <!-- URL of your website -->
    <changefreq>daily</changefreq> <!-- How often the page changes -->
    <priority>0.8</priority> <!-- Importance of the page -->

Step 7: Add individual URLs

Add individual URLs to your sitemap using the <url> element. Each <url> element should contain the following sub-elements:

Here's an example of an individual URL:


Step 8: Add more URLs

Continue adding individual URLs to your sitemap, following the same structure as above.

Step 9: Save and upload your sitemap

Save your sitemap file and upload it to the root directory of your website (e.g.,

Step 10: Submit your sitemap to search engines

Submit your sitemap to search engines like Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to help them crawl and index your website more efficiently.

Here's an example of a complete sitemap:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
  <!-- Add more URLs here -->

Remember to customize your sitemap to fit your website's specific needs and structure.