Add a new site to google analytics account

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a new site to your Google Analytics account:


  1. You have a Google Analytics account set up.
  2. You have the tracking ID (UA-XXXXX-X) for your existing website.

Adding a new site to Google Analytics:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account: Go to and sign in with your Google account credentials.
  2. Click on the "Admin" button: In the bottom left corner of the screen, click on the "Admin" button.
  3. Select the account and property: In the "Account" column, select the account that you want to add the new site to. In the "Property" column, select the property that corresponds to the existing website.
  4. Click on "Create Property": Click on the "Create Property" button.
  5. Select "Website": Choose "Website" as the type of property you want to create.
  6. Enter the new site's information:
    • Property name: Enter a name for the new site (e.g., "New Website").
    • Website URL: Enter the URL of the new site (e.g., "").
    • Industry category: Choose an industry category that best describes the new site.
    • Reporting timezone: Choose the timezone that best corresponds to the new site.
  7. Click on "Create": Click on the "Create" button to create the new property.
  8. Get the tracking ID: Once the property is created, you'll see the tracking ID (UA-XXXXX-X) for the new site. You can use this ID to add the tracking code to the new site.
  9. Add the tracking code to the new site: You can add the tracking code to the new site by copying and pasting the code into the website's HTML header or by using a plugin like Google Tag Manager.

Alternative method:

If you have multiple websites under the same account, you can also add a new site by clicking on the "Add a property" button in the "Admin" section, and then following the same steps as above.

That's it! Your new site should now be added to your Google Analytics account, and you can start tracking its traffic and behavior.