Adapter still keeps older data on new request android

The pesky adapter issue!

When you're using a RecyclerView adapter in Android, it's not uncommon to encounter issues where the adapter still holds onto older data even after you've updated the data source. Here are some common reasons and solutions to help you resolve this issue:

  1. Adapter not being notified of data changes: Make sure you're calling notifyDataSetChanged() or notifyItemRangeChanged() on the adapter after updating the data source. This notifies the adapter that the data has changed and it should refresh the view.


  1. Adapter not being cleared before updating data: If you're updating the data source and not clearing the adapter before updating, the adapter might still hold onto the old data. Try clearing the adapter before updating the data source.


  1. Adapter not being updated correctly: Check if you're updating the adapter correctly. Make sure you're updating the adapter with the new data and not just updating the data source.


  1. Data source not being updated correctly: Verify that the data source is being updated correctly. Make sure you're updating the data source with the new data and not just updating a local variable.


// Update the data source
dataSource = newData;

// Update the adapter
  1. Adapter not being recycled: If you're using a custom adapter, make sure you're properly recycling the adapter when the activity or fragment is destroyed. This ensures that the adapter is properly cleaned up and doesn't hold onto old data.


public void onDestroy() {
    adapter = null;
  1. Check for any static references: If you're using any static references to the adapter or data source, make sure you're properly updating those references as well.


public static MyAdapter adapter;

// Update the static reference
MyAdapter.adapter = new MyAdapter(newData);

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of the adapter still holding onto older data on new requests in Android.