Adamu garba tribune news 9 geo economic zones

It seems like you're referring to a specific article or topic related to Adamu Garba, Tribune News, and 9 Geo Economic Zones. Here's a breakdown of what I found:

Adamu Garba: Adamu Garba is a Nigerian entrepreneur and politician who has been involved in various business ventures and has held public office. He is the founder of a technology company called BudgIT, which focuses on budget tracking and transparency.

Tribune News: Tribune News is a Nigerian newspaper that was founded in 1949. It is one of the oldest and most respected newspapers in Nigeria, known for its in-depth reporting and analysis of national and international issues.

9 Geo Economic Zones: The 9 Geo Economic Zones is a development initiative launched by the Nigerian government in 2014. The program aims to create nine economic zones across the country, each with its own unique focus and strengths. The zones are designed to promote economic growth, job creation, and infrastructure development in various regions of Nigeria.

The article you're referring to likely discusses Adamu Garba's views on the 9 Geo Economic Zones and their potential impact on Nigeria's economy. As a prominent entrepreneur and politician, Garba has likely been involved in discussions and debates about the zones and their implementation.

If you could provide more context or clarify what specific aspect of the article you'd like to know more about, I'd be happy to help!