Adamawa news on minimum wage

Here are some recent news articles and updates on the minimum wage in Adamawa State, Nigeria:

  1. Adamawa State Government Approves N30,000 Minimum Wage (Source: Daily Trust, March 2020)

The Adamawa State Government has approved the new minimum wage of N30,000 for its workers. The approval was given by the state governor, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, after a meeting with the state's Joint Negotiating Council (JNC) and the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC).

  1. Adamawa Workers to Enjoy N30,000 Minimum Wage (Source: Vanguard, April 2020)

The Adamawa State Government has announced that its workers will start receiving the new minimum wage of N30,000 from April 2020. The government has also promised to pay the arrears of the new minimum wage to workers who were previously earning below the new wage.

  1. Adamawa Labour Unions Threaten Strike Over Minimum Wage (Source: The Nation, February 2020)

Labour unions in Adamawa State have threatened to go on strike if the state government fails to implement the new minimum wage of N30,000. The unions, which include the NLC and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), have given the government a 14-day ultimatum to comply with the new wage.

  1. Adamawa Government to Pay N30,000 Minimum Wage to Workers (Source: Leadership, January 2020)

The Adamawa State Government has announced that it will pay the new minimum wage of N30,000 to its workers. The government has also promised to pay the arrears of the new minimum wage to workers who were previously earning below the new wage.

  1. Adamawa Workers to Enjoy 25% Increase in Minimum Wage (Source: ThisDay, December 2019)

The Adamawa State Government has announced a 25% increase in the minimum wage for its workers. The new minimum wage will be N30,000, up from the previous N24,000. The government has also promised to pay the arrears of the new minimum wage to workers who were previously earning below the new wage.

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation.