Adam sandler new movie

Adam Sandler has a new movie coming out! Here are some details:

Movie: "Hustle" (2022)

Genre: Sports Comedy-Drama

Synopsis: Adam Sandler plays Stanley Sugerman, a retired basketball scout who discovers a talented but unknown player, Bo Cruz (played by Juancho Hernangómez), in a local court in Spain. Stanley decides to bring Bo to the United States to help him get drafted into the NBA, but things get complicated when they face various obstacles and challenges along the way.

Release Date: June 10, 2022

Where to Watch: "Hustle" will be released in theaters and also available on Netflix.

Other Cast Members: Ben Foster, Robert Duvall, and Queen Latifah also star in the movie.

Trailer: You can check out the trailer on YouTube or Netflix's official YouTube channel.

Reviews: Early reviews suggest that "Hustle" is a heartwarming and entertaining movie that explores themes of perseverance, teamwork, and the power of sports to bring people together.

Are you excited to watch Adam Sandler's new movie?