Adam a zango new videos

You're a fan of Adam Zango, the talented Nigerian musician!

Here are some of his latest videos:

  1. "Kokoma" (2022) - A high-energy song with a catchy beat and Adam's signature vocals.
  2. "Gban Gban" (2022) - A fun, upbeat track with a dancehall vibe and a memorable chorus.
  3. "Sokoto" (2022) - A soulful ballad showcasing Adam's vocal range and emotional delivery.
  4. "Kokoro" (2021) - A romantic song with a smooth, R&B-inspired beat and heartfelt lyrics.
  5. "Gwara Gwara" (2021) - A lively, Afrobeats-infused track with a catchy hook and infectious energy.

You can find these videos on YouTube, as well as other popular music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and TikTok.

Are you a fan of Adam Zango's music? Which of these videos is your favorite?