Ad free news

The elusive dream of ad-free news! While it's challenging to completely eliminate ads from news sources, there are ways to reduce your exposure to them and support high-quality, ad-free journalism. Here are some options:

  1. Subscription-based news sites: Many reputable news organizations offer subscription-based models that provide ad-free content. Examples include:
    • The New York Times (NYT)
    • The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
    • The Guardian
    • The Financial Times
    • The Economist
  2. Non-profit news organizations: Non-profit news outlets often rely on donations and grants rather than advertising. Some examples include:
    • ProPublica
    • The Center for Investigative Reporting
    • The Investigative News Network
    • The Marshall Project
  3. Independent news sites: Some independent news sites, like:
    • The Intercept
    • The Nation
    • Jacobin
    • The Baffler
    • The American Prospect
  4. Podcasts: Many news podcasts are ad-free or have minimal ads. Some popular options include:
    • The Daily (from The New York Times)
    • Pod Save America
    • The Ben Shapiro Show
    • The David Pakman Show
    • The Young Turks
  5. News aggregators: Services like Apple News+, Google News, and Flipboard aggregate news from various sources, often with minimal ads.
  6. Browser extensions: Tools like uBlock Origin, News Feed Eradicator, and AdBlock Plus can help block ads on news websites.
  7. Support local journalism: Consider supporting local news organizations in your community, which often rely on donations and subscriptions rather than advertising.
  8. Read news in print: If you prefer reading news in print, many publications offer ad-free print editions.

Keep in mind that while these options can reduce your exposure to ads, they may not completely eliminate them. Additionally, some news organizations may still display ads, even if they're not the primary source of revenue.

Remember, supporting high-quality journalism is crucial for a healthy and informed society. By choosing ad-free or low-ad options, you're helping to sustain the news industry and promoting a more sustainable future for journalism.