Actual length new length

You're referring to the concept of actual length and new length in physics!

In physics, the actual length of an object is its true length, which is the distance between its two ends. This is often denoted as "L" or "l".

The new length, on the other hand, refers to the length of an object after it has undergone some kind of transformation or deformation. This could be due to various factors such as stretching, compressing, or changing its shape.

For example, if you have a rubber band that is initially 10 cm long, its actual length is 10 cm. However, if you stretch it to 15 cm, its new length becomes 15 cm.

In more advanced physics, the concept of actual length and new length is used to describe phenomena such as:

  1. Elastic deformation: When an object is stretched or compressed, its actual length changes, but its new length is different from its original length.
  2. Relativistic effects: According to special relativity, the length of an object can appear shorter to an observer when it is moving at high speeds. This is known as length contraction.
  3. Quantum effects: In quantum mechanics, the concept of actual length and new length is used to describe the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

I hope this helps clarify the difference between actual length and new length in physics!