Actress venita akpofure reacts to news about her marriage

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on an actress named Venita Akpofure and her marriage. It's possible that you may have provided incorrect or incomplete information.

However, I can provide a general response on how an actress might react to news about her marriage. If an actress were to react to news about her marriage, it would likely depend on the specific circumstances and her personal feelings about the situation.

Here are a few possible reactions:

  1. Denial: The actress might deny the rumors or allegations about her marriage, stating that they are false and unfounded.
  2. Anger: She might express anger and frustration at the media or individuals spreading the rumors, feeling that they are invading her privacy and causing harm to her reputation.
  3. Sadness: The actress might express sadness and disappointment at the state of her marriage, feeling that it has failed or is failing, and that she is struggling to come to terms with the situation.
  4. Resilience: She might react with resilience and determination, stating that she is strong and capable of overcoming any challenges that come her way, including the challenges of her marriage.
  5. Silence: The actress might choose to remain silent on the matter, not wanting to draw attention to herself or her personal life, and instead focusing on her work and other aspects of her life.

It's important to note that these are just hypothetical reactions, and the actual reaction of an actress to news about her marriage would depend on her individual personality, circumstances, and feelings.