Actress etinosa slams apostle suleman

It seems like there's been a controversy brewing!

Etinosa, a Nigerian actress, has taken to social media to slam Apostle Suleman, a popular Nigerian pastor. According to reports, Apostle Suleman had made some comments that Etinosa felt were offensive and disrespectful towards women.

In a series of posts on her Instagram story, Etinosa expressed her outrage and disappointment at the pastor's words. She accused him of being "misguided" and "misinformed" about the role of women in society.

Here are some quotes from her posts:

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that a man of God, Apostle Suleman, would have the audacity to speak about women in the way he did... It's sad, it's pathetic, and it's a reflection of the kind of society we live in where women are still seen as inferior beings."

"I'm not going to sit here and let you disrespect women, Apostle Suleman. I'm not going to let you get away with speaking about us like we're nothing. We are human beings, just like you, and we deserve respect."

"I'm not asking for much, just a little bit of respect and understanding. Is that too much to ask from a man of God?"

Etinosa's posts have sparked a lot of debate and discussion on social media, with many people weighing in on the controversy. Some have defended Apostle Suleman, saying that he was simply expressing his biblical views on the role of women in society. Others have sided with Etinosa, calling out the pastor for his perceived disrespect towards women.

What do you think about this controversy? Should pastors be held accountable for their words and actions?