Actress chacha eke new baby

Congratulations to Nollywood actress, Chacha Eke Faani, on the arrival of her new baby!

Chacha Eke Faani, a popular Nigerian actress, welcomed her fourth child, a baby boy, on November 25, 2022. She announced the news on her Instagram page, sharing a photo of her newborn son and expressing her gratitude to God for the blessing.

Here's a brief summary of the news:

Chacha Eke Faani is known for her roles in several Nollywood movies, including "The Exquires," "The Women," and "The Price of Fame." She has been in the industry for over a decade and has built a reputation as a talented and versatile actress.

Once again, congratulations to Chacha Eke Faani and her family on the arrival of their new baby boy!