Actor explains why he had surgery watch

Here's a possible script:

[The camera pans to the actor, sitting comfortably on a couch, with a calm and relaxed demeanor. He takes a deep breath before speaking.]

Actor: "Hey everyone, I wanted to take a moment to talk about something that's been on my mind lately. As you may know, I recently underwent surgery. And I know some of you might be wondering why I decided to go under the knife. So, I thought I'd take a minute to explain."

[He pauses, collecting his thoughts.]

Actor: "To be honest, I've been dealing with some chronic pain in my back for a while now. It's been affecting my daily life, making it hard for me to sleep, to exercise, and even to enjoy the things I love. I've tried various treatments, from physical therapy to medication, but nothing seemed to be giving me the relief I needed."

[He leans forward, his eyes locked on the camera.]

Actor: "So, after consulting with my doctor, we decided that surgery was the best option. It was a bit scary, I won't lie. But I knew it was the right decision for my health and well-being. And I'm so glad I did it."

[He smiles, a hint of relief in his voice.]

Actor: "The surgery was a success, and I'm already starting to feel the benefits. My pain is significantly reduced, and I'm able to do things I thought I'd never be able to do again. It's amazing how much of a difference it's made in my life."

[He leans back, a thoughtful expression on his face.]

Actor: "I know that surgery is a big decision, and it's not something to be taken lightly. But for me, it was the right choice. And I hope that by sharing my story, I can help others who may be struggling with similar issues. Remember, taking care of your health is the most important thing you can do. Don't be afraid to seek help when you need it."

[The camera fades to black, and the actor's words linger in the viewer's mind.]

This script is just a sample, but it gives you an idea of how the actor might explain his decision to have surgery. Of course, the actual script would depend on the actor's personal experience and the specific details of his surgery.