Actor chris attoh's new wife shot

I'm so sorry to hear that. Chris Attoh, a Ghanaian actor, has been in the news recently after his new wife, Bettie Jennifer, was shot and killed in Accra, Ghana. According to reports, Bettie Jennifer was shot by an unknown assailant on October 16, 2021, while walking out of a salon in the capital city.

Chris Attoh, who is known for his roles in TV shows such as "The Good Wife" and "Grey's Anatomy", has been married to Bettie Jennifer since 2020. The couple had been together for several years before tying the knot.

The Ghanaian police are investigating the murder, and an autopsy has been conducted to determine the cause of death. The motive behind the shooting is still unclear, and the police are working to identify the killer.

This is a tragic and devastating loss for Chris Attoh and his loved ones. My condolences go out to them during this difficult time.