Activity shheet on the emperors new cloth for grade 4

Here's an activity sheet on "The Emperor's New Clothes" for Grade 4:

Title: The Emperor's New Clothes

Objective: To understand the story and its moral lesson, and to practice critical thinking and creative writing skills.

Activity 1: Reading Comprehension

Read the story "The Emperor's New Clothes" and answer the following questions:

  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What is the Emperor's new clothes made of?
  3. Why do the weavers promise the Emperor that their clothes are special?
  4. What happens when the Emperor parades around in his new clothes?
  5. What do the people in the crowd think of the Emperor's new clothes?

Activity 2: Critical Thinking

Imagine you are one of the people in the crowd watching the Emperor parade around in his new clothes. Write a short paragraph explaining what you think of the Emperor's new clothes. Do you think they are really special? Why or why not?

Activity 3: Creative Writing

Write a new ending to the story. What happens when the Emperor realizes that he is not wearing any clothes? How does he react? What do the people in the crowd do?

Activity 4: Drawing

Draw a picture of the Emperor parading around in his new clothes. Be sure to include the weavers, the crowd, and the Emperor's reaction. You can also add any other details you think are important to the story.

Activity 5: Role-Play

Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a role: the Emperor, the weavers, and the crowd. Practice the scene where the Emperor parades around in his new clothes. How do the different characters react to the situation?



Moral Lesson:

The story "The Emperor's New Clothes" teaches us the importance of honesty and not being afraid to speak the truth. It also shows us that sometimes, people will do or say things just to impress others, even if it means being dishonest. The moral lesson is that it is better to be honest and authentic, even if it means being different or standing out from the crowd.