Activity sheet on the emperors new cloth for grade 5

Here's an activity sheet on "The Emperor's New Clothes" for Grade 5 students:

Activity Title: The Emperor's New Clothes - A Critical Thinking Activity

Objective: To understand the theme of the story, identify the characters' motivations, and develop critical thinking skills.

Story Summary:

"The Emperor's New Clothes" is a classic fairy tale about an emperor who is swindled by two weavers who promise him the finest clothes that are invisible to anyone who is unfit for their position or "hopelessly stupid". The emperor, eager to show off his new clothes, parades around in public, but no one dares to tell him that he is actually naked. The story is a commentary on the dangers of blind conformity and the importance of speaking truth to power.


Part 1: Character Analysis

  1. Who are the main characters in the story? (Emperor, Weavers, Guards, Citizens)
  2. What are their motivations? (Emperor: to show off his new clothes, Weavers: to make money, Guards: to follow orders, Citizens: to avoid trouble)
  3. How do their motivations affect their actions in the story?

Part 2: Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Why do you think the Weavers were able to deceive the Emperor? What does this say about human nature?
  2. How do the Citizens' reactions to the Emperor's new clothes reflect their values and priorities?
  3. What message do you think the story is trying to convey about speaking truth to power?
  4. Can you think of a time when you or someone you know was in a situation where they felt pressured to conform to a certain standard or expectation? How did it make you feel?

Part 3: Creative Expression

  1. Draw a picture of the Emperor parading around in his new clothes. What do you think the people around him are thinking?
  2. Write a poem or song lyrics about the story. What message do you want to convey about the importance of honesty and integrity?
  3. Imagine you are one of the Citizens who witnessed the Emperor's new clothes. Write a diary entry about what you saw and how you felt.



I hope this activity sheet helps your Grade 5 students engage with the story and develop their critical thinking skills!