Activerecord recordnotfound at posts new

The infamous ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error!

When you encounter this error in the PostsController new action, it means that the code is trying to create a new post, but it can't find a record in the database to associate with it.

Here are some common reasons that might cause this error:

  1. Missing or incorrect post variable: Make sure that you're passing a valid post variable to the new action. Check your controller code and ensure that you're setting the @post instance variable correctly.
  2. Invalid post_id: If you're trying to create a new post based on an existing post's ID, ensure that the post_id is correct and exists in the database.
  3. Missing or incorrect post_type: If you're using a polymorphic association, ensure that the post_type is correct and exists in the database.
  4. Database connection issues: Check your database connection settings and ensure that you're able to connect to the database successfully.

To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Add a binding.pry statement: Add a binding.pry statement in your new action to inspect the @post instance variable and see what's going on.
  2. Check the database: Verify that the record exists in the database by running a query or using a tool like rails console.
  3. Check the controller code: Review your controller code and ensure that you're setting the @post instance variable correctly.
  4. Check the routes: Verify that your routes are set up correctly and that the new action is being called correctly.

Here's an example of how you might add a binding.pry statement to your new action:

def new
  @post =
  # rest of the code

This will pause the execution of the code and allow you to inspect the @post instance variable and the surrounding environment.